The First Trimester

Thursday, 21 May 2020

The first trimester has not been smooth sailing and been rather challenging but I'm so thankful for what my body is doing. I experienced nausea that would sometimes last all day, combined with vomiting (morning sickness is definitely not just in the morning) and heightened smell which was the main culprit that made me vomit and feel awful at any given moment. It was the strangest thing to smell everything in the most intense way, I'm so glad that it somewhat but I still have my good and bad days.

I am meant to return to work soon but have had to delay that by a couple of weeks because I'm only just getting over the morning sickness, trying to build my strength up as I lost quite a bit of weight during the first trimester due to food aversions and want to feel safe before I drive my car again and take on my full working days.

Max has been so supportive and taken great care of me as the first trimester has been quite the test but it will all be worth it. He has helped carry me from bathroom to bed when I have been so tired from being sick, the poor thing has also basically carried me home after fainting at the shops a couple of times (that was not fun and a bit scary), he's rushed to the supermarket to get me the food that I will eat, given me love and endless support.

How Far Along?

13 weeks.

Weight Gain?

I lost quite a bit of weight during the first trimester due to the extreme food aversions. I'm keen to put that back on and the muscle I lost from laying around and being/feeling sick most days.

Maternity Clothes?

Not yet, I did buy a pair of maternity track pants for when there is more of a bump though. I haven't "popped" yet, there's just a tiny little bit of bump.


Still sleeping like a log and napping (Normally, I'm not one to take naps). Though I do occasionally stay awake after going to the bathroom in the earlier hours of the morning but eventually fall back asleep.

Best Moment This Week?

Having our 12 week ultrasound, last time we had an ultrasound I was 7 weeks and the baby looked like a spec on the scan though it was still amazing because we saw the heartbeat. But this week the ultrasound was amazing because it actually looked like a baby and was just so special. (These questions were written a coupe of weeks ago, I'm in week 14 now).

Baby Movement?

Haven't felt anything yet, will probably still be a little while.

Food Cravings?

More like food aversions, like I said above. Almost everything smelt and looked disgusting to me so I was mainly eating plain crackers, rye bread, oats, grapes and strawberries. The heightened smell was the worst part and caused frequent vomiting. Now I'm starting to get past the morning sickness and am feeling a bit more normal, what a relief! But I did recently have a random craving for steamed pork buns last week... and now I don't want them. Get them away from me.


Not sure yet, we will find out at the anatomy scan at around 20 weeks. I always thought I'd wait until birth to find out but Max is really excited to make more of a connection with the baby and I'm excited to find out now too! I don't think I could wait even though we would be happy either way as long as it's healthy!

Something You're Looking Forward Too?

Watching my bump grow and for our next ultrasound.

Kayla x


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