Mini me with a matching dress!

Saturday, 5 July 2014

A couple of months ago I made a mini version of one of my favourite Hell Bunny dresses for the Hell Bunny Rag magazine competition... I made it last minute before the competition ended! I would have loved to have gone out and bought smaller gingham to make it but I was lucky I had some similar scrap fabric laying around. I was super excited to see that it was featured in their latest edition!

There were lots of great Hell Bunny inspired dresses made by other Hell Bunny fans and it was so much fun to be a part of it!

It's not perfect but I'm happy with it and now Barbie looks really sweet sitting on my sewing table!

Mirror Selfie with Barbie

I was also featured in the Hell Bunny Hall of Fame section which was a lovely surprise! See the full outfit post that was featured here.

You can read The Hell Bunny Rag magazine here! It's a great publication full of interesting articles and great pictures!

Kayla - Gracefullyvintage xo


  1. This is way too adorable, you did a great job on the mini-you dress. Congrats on being featured too :)

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