Boatsheds and a Bright Hawaiian Dress!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Hi again! I apologise now for the amount of photos in the blog post! This is the final set of my outfit post photos from my photoshoot in Wellington, New Zealand.

I would like to thank the talented Danica for helping to make this happen I had a lot of fun and have many great memories to hold to with these photos.

I am sure most of you have all seen my Hawaiian dress the my talented mother made for me and I think it went perfectly with the boatshed background! The dress is one of my favourites because it's pretty, light and comfortable... And of course the fabric and style of the dress is to die for!

That is most of the photos... Maybe I could have broken them up into one blog post but I thought that this would be fine! I am so in love with the brightly painted boatsheds and the beautiful harbour. Wellington is a gorgeous city to explore and this particular day was a lot of fun.

As you can probably tell the weather was perfect - warm and sunny - quite hot at times when we were shooting but we would be met with a cool breeze at times through the city which was always refreshing. 

If you have been wondering what that red tag around my wrist was for, it was for entry into the gaming event that Max was competing in so I wasn't allowed to remove it!

What I need to do now is work on my sewing to make more pretty things to wear! My mum helping me soon to make another dress using the same pattern with this wonderful fabric that features pictures of 1940s patterns all over it! I can't wait to show you that when we finish it - but first we have to start it... Though we have already cut the fabric so that's good!

I have purchased a few wonderful dresses over the last few weeks and just received the most gorgeous gift from a dear friend... So I am looking forward to blogging about that!

1 comment

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