New Zealand Holiday - Part 1

Friday, 1 February 2013

Well, here is a bit of a look at my trip to Wellington, New Zealand. I took lots of photos and have tried my best to not post too many!

You must fly Air New Zealand of course!

There were so many beautiful vintage stores in Cuba Street
Max and I looking very happy!
Fish & Chups
We had plenty of Coffee and tea breaks!
Beautiful vintage compact powder mirrors I bought at a vintage store in Cuba Street

Max is a competitive Xbox game player (Gears of War) and he was planning on going to New Zealand to compete at the Adversity Gaming Wellington Lan 2013 so I was lucky enough to tag along. We went for a week and Max's event  went for two days... So there was plenty of time to enjoy Wellington.

Max and I visited my Grandparents too which I will make a post about later on!

This was my third trip to New Zealand I wish I could visit more since I have family there. But it was a wonderful trip full of fun, love, laughter, fashion, food and many other wonderful things.

I hope you enjoy the photos I selected for this post!


  1. Looks like a vintage paradise! And daaaamn that pizza looks good! Haha!
    Definitely added to my 'Places I Want to Visit' list :) x

  2. What thoroughly marvelous vintage stores! It must have been such a blast to spend time visiting them. I love our little town for so many reasons, but its lack of vintage shops, is not one of them ;) Perhaps one day I'll make it to NZ as well myself and could visit these beauts in person, too.

    ♥ Jessica


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