My Aunt's Garden

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Another blog post from New Zealand and this time I'm in the garden...

Dungarees - Tara Starlet
Tshirt - c/o Mischief Made
Trench Coat - Collectif
Brooch - c/o Erstwilder
Watch - c/o JORD Wood Watches
Shoes - Target

I may have posted too many photos of the garden but I restrained myself from posting even more! Every time I visit my Grandparent's house in New Zealand I spend a lot of time in the garden. This was my Grandfather's pride and joy before passing almost two years ago and now my Aunty has taken over. 

She has always been great at gardening and there are so many delicious fruits and vegetables to pick fresh from the garden. Carrot, zucchini, beans, kale, lettuce, tomatoes, capsicum, potatoes, apples, plums, lemons and black currents are just some of the yummy things that she grows. 

All of the photos I have included of the fruit and veg were taken on day one or two when mum and I arrived, it was warm and sunny, though I forgot to take some photos of myself in the garden. The garden suffered a bit when we were on our road trip for a few days as it was so hot! My outfit shots were taken the day before I left and when the weather turned cold, though I still spent time standing in the garden eating black currents and picking kale for dinner. Every time I was in the garden I would grab a handful of black currents and my gosh they taste amazing and so fresh. We have a lot of our meals out in the garden which is relaxing and that's what we do during summer at home too. 

I packed my Tara Starlet dungarees, an ebay purchase from quite a while ago and I hemmed them up the day before I left for holiday, woops. But they were very comfy to wear and I liked layering them for the sudden cool weather. My shoes are just comfy and practical that I wore in the garden and for early morning dogs walks in the park. Oh and who is that dog? She is my Aunty's dog, Sophie and she is one of the puppies of my dogs (Fifi and Leo) she is turning seven this year, oh how time flies! 

Anyway, that is the garden and although I do have a little bit of a garden going on I have come back home and have already raced to the store to buy some new seedlings. Also, I don't know why but photos in the garden made me laugh uncontrollably and silly photos with kale seemed necessary at the time.

Kayla - Gracefully Vintage xo


  1. These are such wonderful photos, such a sense of fun and playfulness, and what a pretty garden! I'd be after the black currants too, my Dad grows them and they're amazing, always taste better picked right off the bush. Those are fab dungarees on you. I ummed and ahhed about buying a pair myself, but missed out, too late! I wasn't sure about the colour but it's really lovely on you with your blonde locks. xx

  2. You wear those dungarees so well you're making me think I should try them again... and I really thought I'd learned my lesson about how dreadful they look on short ol' me!! That's how good they look though - and I love the unusual colour; suits you as Porcelina says. Such lovely pictures - you look so happy :) x

  3. Those dungarees are so cute! I love the colour, looks fab xx

  4. Adorable photos! I love the colour of the dungarees!

  5. What a haven you have there. Nothing better than relaxing in the garden, and all the better if you have grown the fruit and veggies yourself. What a useful outfit for gardening, the dungarees fit you very well and look very smart.

  6. Love these photos! Your aunt's garden looks amazing and I love your dungarees as the outfit you chose for this setting! So cute with your dog brooch and pics of your aunt's dog as well!

  7. Everything is about this gardening outfit - and photo shoot - is so fun, classic and pretty!

    ♥ Jessica

  8. Thank you so much for nice sharing with us.
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