New House and Slowly Unpacking

Thursday, 21 July 2016

We have been living in our new house for a few days now and things are slowly being unpacked...

1950's Vintage Dress - eBay (about 5 years ago)
Shoes - Payless 

It was nice to pop this dress today after wearing moving clothes and jeans+tshirt combos for the past week, I was missing my dresses - even though it had only been a few days. Most of my dresses were to the new house yesterday (though I still have more to move). 

I have a clothes rack in the spare room of our new house because I need more than just the wardrobe and it's always nice see clothes on display. This clothes rack was bought at a garage sale years and years ago, I believe it may have come from a fashion house as it is so sturdy and has that look about it. It's great because it is tall enough to hang all of my jumpsuits and maxi dresses. I haven't finished unpacking but made a good start to the spare room yesterday. We are enjoying the place so far and just enjoying it whilst we work out what goes where. 

About this dress, I bought it on ebay ages ago and it has always been a favourite: I love the print, the fit, the pockets, buttons and the matching belt (I am a sucker for matching belts). This was another vintage bargain, maybe $20! 

Anyway, it is good to have my computer set up and the internet running. I will be catching up on reading all the blog posts I have missed tomorrow!

Kayla - GracefullyVintage xo


  1. Moving really is the most stressful thing! Make sure to take some time to relax during the unpacking or it can be totally overwhelming!

  2. Gorgeous dress and congrats on getting through the stress of moving! I too need more than a normal closet for cltohes haha ;-P XO

  3. That dress is such a stunner!

    Unpacking always takes ages. I remember when we moved into our current abode (a small condo/townhouse) and my step-dad, who was visiting, said that we'd still be unpacking two years later (not so much because of the volume of things that we own, but rather due to the time it takes to unpack and arrange everything the way you want). Thankfully his prediction was off the mark a fair bit, but it did still take the better part of six months before everything was unpacked, organized and arranged to our liking.

    xoxo ♥ Jessica

  4. I love the green shoes!!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a beautiful dress and I hope you enjoy living in your new place! :)

  7. I know how stressful moving can be but it looks like your new house is very pretty and lovely. I also really love your true vintage dress it suits you so well!

    Many hugs,
    Sandra <3

  8. Ugh, this is my life too at the moment as we just moved house two days ago!! Nice to not feel alone in the box hell, for sure... We've made great strides in sorting things, but there's still a tonne of boxes hidden away in our garage that I don't want to deal with yet... including all of my shoes! Which I haven't quite worked out where they're going to go yet... Ho hum! Hope you're feeling settled soon x

  9. Congrats on the move - I hope it's a very happy home for you both! We're still working out clothes storage a few years down the line!! X

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  11. Congrats on the move! I hope the unpacking goes smoothly! Love this dress on you. So pretty and such a great bargain for the price!

  12. I would love a sturdy clothes rail, as my clothes get squished up in our Edwardian wardrobe. The rack I first got, collapsed :(

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