The Sydney Royal Easter Show!

Monday 1 April 2013

I met Dr Harry Cooper and told him about my dogs and cat!
My brother being funny behind me!

I went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show yesterday with my father and brother. I've been going since I was a baby... We usually go every 2-3 years.

As we are on our feet for about 7-9 hours with food breaks it is important to dress for comfort.
I wore my vintage chambray dress and white sneakers...

We looked at the horses, cattle, alpacas and bird. We saw art and crafts, fashion, cooking demonstrations and all that jazz.

I ate carnival food and bought a few showbags - including a show bag for my dogs and a showbag from my cat. Yes, they were so excited to have a treat and a toy when I got back home!

We went on a roller-coaster, the ferris wheel and i used the last of our coupons to go on the carousal.

I got home at 11pm (we got to the show at 12pm) and I was so happy to go to sleep after a long, but fun day on my feet!


  1. I went to the show this weekend too...what a blast. I spent a solid chunk of the day just hanging with the animals! You have the perfect outfit for such a day. I too brought out my comfy sneakers to make sure I could last all day!
    Freya x

    1. Oh I'm glad you had fun! I'm glad that it wasn't boiling hot!!! It was such a good day! :)

  2. great dress! the lightr blue looks amazing on you.


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