Tea Date!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Today my lovely boyfriend Max took me out to a tea shop which is still quite new in my area. There was lovely furniture and pretty floral tea cups all over the shop!  Max knows me so well to take me here!

 I had a beautiful herbal tea infused with dried strawberries and many other fruits - it was a mix or sweet and sour flavours, so yummy! I also had a little tropical baked cheesecake and a passionfruit Macaron! Max had a white hot chocolate and a yummy Rocky Road brownie. 
Happily drinking my tea!
A great selection of cakes!
Max being cute and enjoying his food!
A window display of a little antique store next to the tea shop! 
I love this chair!
Max being lovely! <3
And then I came home and spent some time in the backyard with my two dogs and cat!

Leo loves to stretch! He's a miniature Poodle and so cute!
Fifi yawning haha! She's so pretty!
Kitty Rascal!
I hope you've all had a lovely day!

Kayla - GracefullyVintage xo


  1. And I just discovered that you just left me virtually the same comment - not intentional! Haha :)

  2. love the print of your dress ...


  3. Adorable! I love your dress!


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