Christmas Eve

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

 Dress - Made by my mum last year before Christmas
Cardigan - Jacquie-E
Shoes - I Love Billy

A quick post before I go to bed and wake up to Christmas morning! My amazing mum made me this dress last year, so it has been great to wear it during December again! 

I spent the day cleaning, baking and wrapping a couple of last minute presents that arrived in the mail. I watched, sang and danced along to the carols on the television tonight. 

And a fire truck with Santa drove down our street today (and around the whole area), they stopped the truck and let Leo and I pose in front of it! Doesn't Leo look cute in his Santa outfit!!!

Time for bed...


  1. What a perfectly festive outfit! I love the holly print wiggle dress, you look like a modern day Grace Kelly. Merry Christmas <3

  2. That dress is so lovely on you, and I love the cardigan and brooch! You look perfectly festive. I hope your holiday was wonderful!

    xox Sammi

  3. I love the print (holly?) of your dress and the fact that your Mom made it for you-- so sweet! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! :)


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