A favourite dress!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Cowgirl pin-ups, horses and cactus plants = perfection!

Dress - Queen of Holloway
Cardigan - Target
Shoes - I Love Billy

I blogged about this dress not long ago and I'm blogging about it again as I have been wearing it a lot lately... Especially as the weather shifts from cold to warm and cold again etc. I have been getting a lot of wear out of my other dress QoH dress which is the same, but a different fabric design. These are two of my favourite dresses at the moment.

Today I wore this dress out for lunch and shopping... It's very comfy for eating, a flattering style which allows for me to eat in comfort... Yes, that is very important to me.

 I went to a wonderful little Japanese restaurant in the shopping center food court which has the most amazing food and it's so cheap! I have been a couple of times now. I ordered the Teriyaki Beef Don with rice and salad with some delicious Gyozo on the side! I didn't get photos as I was so hungry and tucked in! 

Kayla - Gracefullyvintage


  1. This is really a perfect dress! Loved it! xo

  2. I love love love this dress, and the blue one too. Since your last post, I've ordered a halter dress from QoH in the red cowgirl print, but I really love this shape of dress with the sleeves. Any chance you could post a direct link here in the comments, because I can't seem to find any sleeved dresses on the website? :)


    1. Hi! I bought these from a store in Australia and they told me that this style was from a couple of years ago - they were clearing old stock so I was lucky to get these two... So I don't think they have any longer sleeve version atm :(

    2. Oh, that's too bad! Thanks anyway for letting me know. :)

  3. What a lovely dress! I think you should get some hot cowboy boots and wear them! I want i want!!!


  4. ooooh pretty frock with sleeves, you look so gorgeous in it! x

  5. Glorious print and dresses every time, ahhhhhhhhhhh

  6. i can see that it is a favorite dress of yours! the fit is amazing and for me too it´s important that i can eat enough haha (not possible with some of my wiggle dresses;) and then that print! so much fabulousness! love those pin ups and i love that it´s on a red ground;)
    wish you a great weekend!


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