Classic cars on a beautiful sunny Saturday!

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Okay this is going to be a looooooooooooong blog post! But I have about 70 or so photos on file from Saturday so I haven't done too bad narrowing down the photos! I went to a local vintage themed market on the weekend, the most vintage thing about the market was the classic cars and not so much the stalls. But I was very excited to see these beautiful cars and a few vintage fire trucks!

I was very lucky to be able to sit in this car and have my mum take some photos of me too! The car club snapped a photo of me too since I dress vintage!

You can tell how excited I am sitting in this  1953 Vauxhall Vagabon! 

I wish it was mine!

Leo and I standing next to an old Fire Truck

Fifi looking at other dogs and wanting to play. She took a swim in a shallow fountain prior to these photos too - she loves any opportunity to dip her little legs in the water or go for a swim.

Leo and I posed with Australian politicians who loved my dress and both Leo and Fifi


I then changed from my kitten heels and into flats to take the dogs for a run at the waterfront! Oh it was such a beautiful day!

Running along and keeping up with Fifi and Leo!

Everyone was out and about on Saturday and looking very happy... So were all the dogs!

Dress - Bernie Dexter
Wicker purse - Vintage
Shoes - I Love Billy

And that was my fun Saturday! 

Kayla - Gracefullyvintage xo


  1. Amazing photos! Gosh, I loooove classic cars!! And you look beautiful :)

    xox Sammi

  2. Hello there in the gorgeous Australia,Ciao...Great full of colours...very joyful...and your Outfit is gorgeous...creative,unique and Fabolous!
    xo from Italy

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